Study explains how part of the nucleolus evolved

Inside all living cells, loosely formed assemblies known as biomolecular condensates perform many critical functions. However, it is not well understood how proteins and other biomolecules come together to form these assemblies ...

Theory that ridged skin helps dolphins debunked

A dolphin is obviously not a golf ball. However, many scientists believed that the way one slips through the water and the other through the air owed to the same cause: similarities in surface texture and their effect on ...

3D printing plant cells shows promise for studying cell function

A new study from North Carolina State University shows a reproducible way of studying cellular communication among varied types of plant cells by "bioprinting" these cells via a 3D printer. Learning more about how plant cells ...

80-year-old mystery in static electricity finally solved

Historically, contact electrification (CE) was humanity's first and only source of electricity up until around the 18th century, yet its true nature is still elusive. Today it is considered a core component of technologies ...

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