TV seems impervious to Silicon Valley's advances

Google's unveiling last week of yet another device it hopes will change the way people watch TV highlights a stubborn truth: The revolution may be televised, but television itself has so far been impervious to a revolution.

Vienna platform launches opera live stream

(AP)—Vienna's opera scene is going live on the web for the first time with the launch of the first Internet-based platform for streaming classical productions from the Austrian capital.

Daredevil's sky jump provides global moment of awe

(AP)—Felix Baumgartner stood poised in the open hatch of a capsule suspended above Earth, wondering if he would make it back alive. Twenty four miles (38 kilometers) below him, millions of people were watching on the Internet ...

Gore says 'democracy has been hacked' at SXSW

(AP) -- In a wide-ranging talk about the Internet and government, Al Gore urged the techie crowd at South By Southwest to use digital tools to improve government.

Sony working with police on PlayStation Network hack

Sony said it was working with investigators after hackers stole data from users of its PlayStation Network, and told customers it would restore services only when it was confident it was secure.

Netflix chief Hastings to leave Facebook board

Netflix chief Reed Hastings will depart Facebook's board of directors at the end of next month, according to a Friday filing with US regulators by the leading social network.

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