Hulu to live-stream Dave Matthews concert is to provide a live stream of an upcoming concert by the Dave Matthews Band in a first for the online video website better known for showing full-length television shows and movies.

Sony working with police on PlayStation Network hack

Sony said it was working with investigators after hackers stole data from users of its PlayStation Network, and told customers it would restore services only when it was confident it was secure.

Yahoo buys video streaming startup RayV

Yahoo announced Friday it has bought an Israel-based startup specializing in streaming high-quality video to computers and mobile devices.

Xbox Music to offer on-demand music free on tablet

Buyers of tablets that run Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows 8, are in for a pleasant musical surprise: they'll be able to handpick from a selection of millions of songs and stream them for free as long as they ...

Bands urge fans to put the phone down

There are few experiences which compare to the life-affirming thrill of a live music event, knowing that you are one of a privileged few being treated to a display of raw artistic skill and power.

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