Lithium hydride mediates hydrogenolysis of anilines to arenes

A research group led by Prof. Guo Jianping and Prof. Chen Ping from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. Wu An'an from Xiamen University, revealed ...

Improving battery safety and efficiency for electric vehicles

As electric vehicles and personal portable electronics become more ubiquitous, researchers are trying to solve some of the major limitations of current lithium-ion battery technology, which uses a graphite anode and a lithium-based ...

Energy storage materials built from nano-sized molecular blocks

Molecules of the rare metallic element niobium can be used as molecular building blocks to design electrochemical energy storage materials. Mark Rambaran, Department of Chemistry at UmeƄ University, presents in his thesis ...

Graphene gets enhanced by flashing

Flashing graphene into existence from waste was merely a good start. Now Rice University researchers are customizing it.

Taming the sun with computer simulations

Clean and limitless energy supply can be provided by creating the process powering the sun called nuclear fusion. Recreating the sun on Earth has been proven to be immensely complex and challenging. Ray Chandra investigated ...

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