Komaba Group reports sodium ion battery progress

(Phys.org)—Scientists with a common goal, to figure out an alternative to the lithium ion battery, the main power source of choice, are not giving up. The quarrel is not with the lithium ion battery's performance but in ...

New electrode design may lead to more powerful batteries

New research by engineers at MIT and elsewhere could lead to batteries that can pack more power per pound and last longer, based on the long-sought goal of using pure lithium metal as one of the battery's two electrodes, ...

Building a better battery

A new battery technology provides double the energy storage at lower cost than the batteries that are used in handheld electronics, electric vehicles, aerospace and defence.

Self-healing liquid brings new life to battery alternative

Rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are a revolutionary technology, found in everything from cellphones to cars. Their ubiquity and role in breaking dependence on fossil fuels earned a trio of researchers this year's ...

Overcoming a battery's fatal flaw

As renewable energy grows as a power source around the world, one key component still eludes the industry: large-scale, stable, efficient and affordable batteries.

The superpower behind iron oxyfluoride battery electrodes

(Phys.org) —Innovative materials chemistries continue to drive advances in lithium-ion batteries-the state-of-the-art in rechargeable energy storage. While many different battery components contribute to their performance, ...

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