Making sodium-ion batteries that are worth their salt

( -- Although lithium-ion technology dominates headlines in battery research and development, a new element is making its presence known as a potentially powerful alternative: sodium.

Lithium-ion batteries: Capacity might be increased by six times

The team was able to show through neutron measurements made at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France, that lithium ions do not penetrate deeply into the silicon. During the charge cycle, a 20-nm anode layer develops ...

Tesla patent describes hybrid battery pack system for EVs

( —A Tesla Motors patent application filed earlier this year shows the company's interest in a hybrid battery pack using lithium ion and metal-air batteries. The patent is titled "Electric Vehicle Extended Range ...

Self-heating lithium-ion battery could beat the winter woes

A lithium-ion battery that self heats if the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit has multiple applications, but may have the most impact on relieving winter "range anxiety" for electric vehicle owners, according to ...

More myths busted about electric cars

I recently went to Finland to drive the all-electric Think City plug-in car (, which is already on European roads and coming to the U.S. later this year. To help it have a soft landing, Think CEO Richard Canny ...

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