Controlling oxygen may stop batteries from slowly fading

( —When oxygen atoms escape, they change the local electronic structure and cause the voltage to fade in a next-generation battery, according to theoreticians at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and University ...

A new look at the solid-liquid interface

Interesting things happen at interfaces, and when solids meet liquids it is no exception. Understanding the complex phenomena that take place at this 'solid-liquid' interface could give us important clues about how to build ...

Peering into batteries: X-rays reveal lithium-ion's mysteries

Billions of smartphone owners are familiar with the dreaded "low battery" symbol on their devices. While consumers groan, scientists are working to understand why and when lithium-ion batteries in phones, plug-in electric ...

By measuring lithium, researchers study star structure

During its nuclear fusion processes, a burning star does not make the element lithium. Rather, over time, stars consume their lithium supply that was originally created during the Big Bang that gave birth to our universe.

Scientists to take a new step in microelectronics' development

Researchers at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) developed a new approach to determine the best electrode materials composition for solid-state lithium-ion batteries. The results of the study were ...

Energy storage using oxygen to boost battery performance

Researchers have presented a novel electrode material for advanced energy storage device that is directly charged with oxygen from the air. Professor Jeung Ku Kang's team synthesized and preserved the sub-nanometric particles ...

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