Toward a coronavirus breathalyzer test

Few people who have undergone nasopharyngeal swabs for coronavirus testing would describe it as a pleasant experience. The procedure involves sticking a long swab up the nose to collect a sample from the back of the nose ...

Video: Why isn't weed killer working anymore?

Farmers used to worry about weeds. Then, herbicides solved that problem. At least for a while. In 1997, there were 432 new patents for herbicides; by 2009, there were only 65.

Gun ownership and homicide in the US: A stronger correlation

In 2017, there were nearly 40,000 gun-related deaths in the United States, including homicides and suicides. To delve into this alarming statistic, U.S.-trained Université de Montréal economist Karim Chalak and his coauthors ...

China rapidly catching up in research impact

Data from a recent Thomson Reuters study show that Chinese research output has increased from just over 20,000 papers in 1998 to nearly 112,000 in 2008.

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