Video: How is ceviche 'cooked?'

What does it mean to have "cooked" something? Is heat the only way to break down proteins and transform raw ingredients?

Job crafting is key to improving crowdworking, says study

Busy writing texts, programming software or developing logos, crowdworkers have emerged as a small but growing part of the modern labor market. Task-oriented freelancers offer their services on online platforms. They usually ...

Turning ChatGPT into a 'chemistry assistant'

Developing new materials requires significant time and labor, but some chemists are now hopeful that artificial intelligence (AI) could one day shoulder much of this burden. In a new study in the Journal of the American Chemical ...

The 'unknome': A database of human genes we know almost nothing about

Researchers from the United Kingdom hope that a new, publicly available database they have created will shrink, not grow, over time. That's because it is a compendium of the thousands of understudied proteins encoded by genes ...

Understanding the role of the sun in climate change

Although the sun provides nearly all the energy needed to warm the planet, its contribution to climate change remains widely questioned. Many empirically based studies claim that it has a significant effect on climate, while ...

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