'Scrambled' cells fix themselves

Human cells have a defense mechanism that protects them from microbial attacks, a Canadian-led team of international researchers has discovered.

Technique to recover phosphorus from urine

Phosphorus, number 15 on the periodic table, can be highly toxic and flammable and has been used in warfare as an incendiary device, yet it is also essential for life.

Gamma-ray laser moves a step closer to reality

A physicist at the University of California, Riverside, has performed calculations showing hollow spherical bubbles filled with a gas of positronium atoms are stable in liquid helium.

Persistent drizzle at sub-zero temps in Antarctica

When the temperature drops below freezing, snow and ice are expected to follow. That is not always the case in Antarctica, where for the first time, persistent drizzle has been recorded at temperatures well below freezing, ...

Liquid metals the secret ingredients to clean up environment

Forget the laboratory, substances that can solve environmental problems by capturing carbon dioxide, decontaminating water and cleaning up pollutants can be easily created in a kitchen, a UNSW Sydney study shows.

Removing carbon dioxide from power plant exhaust

Reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants is widely considered an essential component of any climate change mitigation plan. Many research efforts focus on developing and deploying carbon capture and sequestration ...

Crystallizing knowledge with a learning machine

Transforming a new drug from a set of liquid ingredients in a lab to a pill in a box can be an exercise in complex chemistry. To better understand how drug ingredients crystallize, UConn researchers mined a vast collection ...

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