Mammals can breathe through anus in emergencies

Rodents and pigs share with certain aquatic organisms the ability to use their intestines for respiration, finds a study publishing May 14th in the journal Med. The researchers demonstrated that the delivery of oxygen gas ...

The future of electronics is stretchy

Stretchable electronic circuits are critical for soft robotics, wearable technologies, and biomedical applications. The current ways of making them, though, have limited their potential.

Near-atomic-scale analysis of frozen water

Advances in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can allow cryo-imaging of biological and biochemical systems in liquid form, however, such approaches do not possess advanced analytical capabilities. In a new report now ...

Liquid carbon characterized using a free electron laser

From common soot to precious diamonds, carbon is familiar in many guises, but there have been little more than glimpses of carbon in the liquid form. Researchers at the FERMI Free Electron Laser (FEL) source have now not ...

Substances trapped in nanobubbles exhibit unusual properties

Skoltech scientists modeled the behavior of nanobubbles appearing in van der Waals heterostructures and the behavior of substances trapped inside the bubbles. In the future, the new model will help obtain equations of state ...

Surfing the waves: Electrons break law to go with the flow

If you see people walking down a street and coming to a junction, it's difficult to predict which direction they might take. But, if you see people sitting in separate boats, floating down a stream, and the stream splits ...

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