A comprehensive database for the study of protein aggregation

Researchers at the IBB-UAB have developed the most comprehensive database available to date to help understand the basis of protein aggregation, a phenomenon associated with aging and several pathologies. The new resource, ...

New method reveals folding speed limit of helical membrane proteins

Membrane proteins play a pivotal role in various cellular functions and are key targets for pharmaceutical interventions. In fact, approximately 60% of drugs currently available on the market target these specific proteins. ...

'Lava lamp' vesicles show how cells could self-organize

The inside of a living cell is crowded with large, complex molecules. New research on how these molecules could spontaneously organize themselves could further our understanding of how cells manage their essential biochemistry ...

Researchers discover new class of membrane carriers

Only one year after introducing a new concept to membrane carriers, Werner Nau, Professor of Chemistry, and fellow researchers from Constructor University in Bremen, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and the Czech Academy ...

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