LinkedIn results give relief to social media

The professional social media group LinkedIn reported better-than-expected results Thursday, giving some relief to a sector battered by disappointments from Facebook and others.

'Leap second' wreaks Internet havoc

An adjustment of a mere second in the official global clock sent dozens of websites crashing in an incident reminiscent of the Y2K bug over a decade ago.

Password breach spreads beyond LinkedIn

More websites admitted security breaches Thursday after LinkedIn said some of its members' passwords were stolen, and experts warned of email scams targeting users of the social network.

Facebook deflates any thought of new tech bubble

The horrendous stock market debut for Facebook suggests investors are not ready to jump in and create another tech bubble despite big expectations for social media, analysts say.

Career social network LinkedIn buys SlideShare

Career-oriented social network LinkedIn on Thursday announced a $118.75 million deal to buy a SlideShare service for online hosting of PowerPoint, Keynote and other presentations.

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