NASA sees Washington State 'under fire'

NOAA/NASA's Suomi NPP satellite's Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument captured this image of several major fires in Washington state on August 29, 2017. The three highlighted fires are the Diamond ...

Numerous fires spread from north to south in Oregon

Fires meander up and down the state of Oregon mostly through the Cascade Mountains in this NASA Aqua satellite image taken on Aug. 28, 2017. The fires were mostly started by lightning strikes and Inciweb is tracking 20 different ...

Image: Fires and hot spots in Arizona

Wildfires have been plaguing the southwestern United States with hot, dry weather, high winds and lightning strikes. The interesting point to note in this image is the "modis hot spot" highlighted area. This is a spot on ...

Lightning sparking more boreal forest fires

A new NASA-funded study finds that lightning storms were the main driver of recent massive fire years in Alaska and northern Canada, and that these storms are likely to move farther north with climate warming, potentially ...

Lightning kills 22 in Bangladesh

Lightning strikes have killed at least 22 people in Bangladesh in the last 48 hours, authorities said Tuesday, a week after monsoon rains triggered a series of deadly landslides in the country.

Study confirms lightning more powerful over ocean than land

People who live and work along coasts and coastlines everywhere may be more likely to experience a super-charged lightning strike, according to new research from Florida Institute of Technology that shows lightning can be ...

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