Scientists prove long-standing wave amplification theory

Physicists at the University of Southampton have tested and proven a 50-year-old theory for the first time using electro-magnetic waves. They have shown that the energy of waves can be increased by bouncing "twisted waves"—those ...

Unique nanodisk pushes photonics research forward

Photonic applications harness the power of light-matter interactions to generate various intriguing phenomena. This has enabled major advances in communications, medicine, and spectroscopy, among others, and is also used ...

AI boosts indoor food production's energy sustainability

Integrating artificial intelligence into today's environmental control systems could reduce energy consumption for indoor agriculture by 25%—potentially helping to feed the world as its population rises, Cornell engineers ...

Hubble and Chandra find supermassive black hole duo

Like two Sumo wrestlers squaring off, the closest confirmed pair of supermassive black holes have been observed in tight proximity. These are located approximately 300 light-years apart and were detected using NASA's Hubble ...

AI shines a new light on exoplanets

Researchers from LMU, the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), and the ORIGINS Data Science Lab (ODSL) have made an important breakthrough in the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres.

Mysterious 50-million-year-old fish to get a new genus

A pair of paleontologists, one with the Museum für Naturkunde, in Germany, the other from the Università degli Studi di Torino, in Italy, has found new evidence that an ancient fish, which has defied categorization for ...

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Light is electromagnetic radiation, particularly radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm, or perhaps 380–750 nm.) In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not.

Three primary properties of light are:

Light, which exists in tiny "packets" called photons, exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave–particle duality. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics.

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