Tuning light to kill deep cancer tumors

An international group of scientists led by Gang Han, PhD, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, has combined a new type of nanoparticle with an FDA-approved photodynamic therapy to effectively kill deep-set ...

A 3-D light switch for the brain

A new tool for neuroscientists delivers a thousand pinpricks of light to a chunk of gray matter smaller than a sugar cube. The new fiber-optic device, created by biologists and engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of ...

Higher energies for laser-accelerated particles possible

The use of compact laser accelerators for cancer therapy with charged particles such as protons could become possible in the future if scientists succeed in generating protons with very high energies.

Toward a nanomedicine for brain cancer

In an advance toward better treatments for the most serious form of brain cancer, scientists in Illinois are reporting development of the first nanoparticles that seek out and destroy brain cancer cells without damaging nearby ...

Tiny bubbles boost alternative cancer therapy efficiency

Scientists from Skoltech, MIPT, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, and a number of other research centers have shown microbubbles made of a protein called albumin to be effective vehicles for the delivery of photodynamic ...

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