Researchers recreate photosynthesis to power devices

Nature has perfected the art of using the Sun to fuel growth. A team of international researchers looked into what is needed to recreate the process artificially. The results could have various uses, from an alternative to ...

Progressive traffic signal systems save time and fuel

In cities, the uniform and low speed levels simplify the setup of synchronized traffic signals. Outside urban areas this is a bigger challenge: The travel speeds vary more and the distances between the traffic lights are ...

Networked cars make traffic safer and more efficient

Vehicles and infrastructures exchanging information with one another and notifying drivers about dangers and traffic situations make traffic safer and more efficient. This has been proven by one of the biggest field tests ...

Chaos proves superior to order

An international team of physicists, including researchers from the Universities of York and St. Andrews, has demonstrated that chaos can beat order - at least as far as light storage is concerned.

Shedding light on the senses fish use for navigation

( —New research conducted at Queen's University has discovered that polarized light vision, which is used for navigation and orientation by rainbow trout, changes with age.

New NASA satellite takes the Salton Sea's temperature

( —An image from an instrument aboard NASA's Landsat Data Continuity Mission or LDCM satellite may look like a typical black-and-white image of a dramatic landscape, but it tells a story of temperature. The dark ...

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