Wi-fi on rays of light—100 times faster, and never overloaded

Slow wi-fi is a source of irritation that nearly everyone experiences. Wireless devices in the home consume ever more data, and it's only growing, and congesting the wi-fi network. Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology ...

Making the switch to polarization diversity

Vast amounts of data transmit across the Internet and telecommunications networks delivering, for example, real-time video calls from one cell phone to another - across the world. As people send and receive increasing amounts ...

A nano-roundabout for light

Just like in normal road traffic, crossings are indispensable in optical signal processing. In order to avoid collisions, a clear traffic rule is required. A new method has now been developed at TU Wien to provide such a ...

Researchers make one-way street for light

Researchers at FOM institute AMOLF and the University of Texas at Austin have created a compact one-way street for light. That is remarkable because light waves can generally move in both directions inside a material. Optical ...

Warm regards for confined light in nanophotonic circuits

Researchers at the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, together with colleagues from the University of Twente and Thales Research and Technology (France), have found a non-invasive technique to measure the intensity ...

Liquid light switch could enable more powerful electronics

Researchers have built a miniature electro-optical switch which can change the spin—or angular momentum—of a liquid form of light by applying electric fields to a semiconductor device a millionth of a metre in size. Their ...

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