Light propagation on a chip like shopping before christmas

A team of scientists at the MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology, the Niels Bohr Institute, and the FOM institute AMOLF have demonstrated that light becomes trapped in even state-of-the-art on-chip waveguides by the tiny amount ...

Researchers engineer microscale optical accelerometer

Imagine navigating through a grocery store with your cell phone. As you turn down the bread aisle, ads and coupons for hot dog buns and English muffins pop up on your screen. The electronics industry would like to make such ...

Retailers to add radical 'focus later' camera

A radical camera that lets users adjust the focus after taking pictures will be available in October at shops in Australia, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong and the United States.

Dextrous robotic hand gets thumbs up

European researchers said Thursday they had developed the world's first real-sized, five-fingered robotic hand able to grasp and manipulate objects with human-like dexterity.

Bringing telescope tech to X-ray lasers

( -- Technology that helps ground-based telescopes cut through the haze of Earth's atmosphere to get a clearer view of the heavens may also be used to collect better data at cutting-edge X-ray lasers like the Linac ...

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