One laser is enough

Gases in the environment can be spectroscopically probed fast and precisely using so-called dual frequency combs. Researchers at ETH have now developed a method by which such frequency combs can be created much more simply ...

Researchers use holography to improve nanophotonic circuits

Nanophotonic circuits, tiny chips which filter and steer light, suffer from small random variations which degrade the transmission of light. Researchers have now found a way to compensate those variations, which may lead ...

Researchers control properties of light using nanostructures

A theoretical study based on computational simulations conducted by the UPV/EHU's Nano-bio Spectroscopy Research Group in collaboration with the Japanese research centre AIST has shown that the intensity of ultraviolet light ...

Using a microscopic ring to produce pulsed light

Researchers funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation have made a chip-based device that can generate a laser signal with frequencies spaced in a comb-like fashion. Their work could be used in telecommunications applications ...

In future, the internet could come through your lightbulb

The tungsten lightbulb has served well over the century or so since it was introduced, but its days are numbered now with the arrival of LED lighting, which consume a tenth of the power of incandescent bulbs and have a lifespan ...

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