Image: SDO views active region loops

An active region viewed in profile put on quite a show of erupting plasma and looping arches on Sept. 22-23, 2015.

Solving molybdenum disulfide's 'thin' problem

The promising new material molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has an inherent issue that's steeped in irony. The material's greatest asset—its monolayer thickness—is also its biggest challenge.

Rediscovering spontaneous light emission

Berkeley Lab researchers have developed a nano-sized optical antenna that can greatly enhance the spontaneous emission of light from atoms, molecules and semiconductor quantum dots. This advance opens the door to light-emitting ...

Breakthrough lights up metamaterials

City College of New York led-team has successfully demonstrated how to both enhance light emission and capture light from metamaterials embedded with light emitting nanocrystals. The breakthrough, headed by physicist Dr. ...

A qubit candidate shines brighter

In the race to design the world's first universal quantum computer, a special kind of diamond defect called a nitrogen vacancy (NV) center is playing a big role. NV centers consist of a nitrogen atom and a vacant site that ...

A step toward reduced nitrogen-oxide emissions in vehicles

Stricter environmental regulations enacted in the last few years are putting a squeeze on emissions from car engines, including nitrogen oxide. While modern "lean-burn" gasoline and diesel vehicles use less fuel, they also ...

Heavy metal frost? A new look at a Venusian mystery

Venus is hiding something beneath its brilliant shroud of clouds: a first order mystery about the planet that researchers may be a little closer to solving because of a new re-analysis of twenty-year-old spacecraft data.

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