Researchers shine new light on disease-spreading mosquitoes

When the West Nile virus (WNV) was initially isolated in two patients at a Queens, N.Y., hospital in the summer of 1999, it would have been hard to anticipate how quickly one common species of house mosquito, Culex pipiens, ...

Improving gravitational wave detectors using a cat flap

We've already found gravity waves through a detector that can sense movement which is around 100 trillion times less than the width of a human hair, so what's the next step? How about increasing that sensitivity by using ...

Insights into deadly coral bleaching could help preserve reefs

Coral reefs are stressed the world over and could be in mortal danger because of climate change. But why do some corals die and others not, even when exposed to the same environmental conditions? An interdisciplinary research ...

Making better biosensors with electron density waves

An emerging field with the tongue-twisting name of "optofluidic plasmonics" promises a new way to detect and analyze biological molecules for drug discovery, medical diagnostics, and the detection of biochemical weapons. ...

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