Review: A solar home isn't for everyone

As someone who considers himself an environmentalist, I'd love to get a solar array for my home. But I'm finding that it may not make a lot of sense - at least right now. My wife and I drive fairly fuel-efficient cars. Our ...

Philips profits down in Q1 while LED sales jump

Dutch electronics giant Philips announced Thursday first quarter profits that were down 12 percent from the same period a year earlier, and confirmed that it expected only "modest" growth in the first half of 2013.

Build­ing mol­e­cules: Serendipity pays off

Serendipity – the act of finding something good or useful while not specifically searching for it – can sometimes pay off. Now Princeton University chemistry researchers report that this non-specific type of searching ...

Review: 'Smart' LED bulbs controlled by iPhones

LED bulbs seem to be the future of home lighting: They save electricity, they're durable and they don't contain mercury like compact fluorescents. But having them produce white light like any old light bulb is like using ...

Extracting rare earth materials from consumer products

In a new twist on the state's mining history, a group of Idaho scientists will soon be crushing consumer electronics rather than rocks in a quest to recover precious materials. DOE's Ames Laboratory will lead the new Critical ...

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