Related topics: light

Nanoengineers boost signals from fluorescent sensors

Fluorescent sensors, which can be used to label and image a wide variety of molecules, offer a unique glimpse inside living cells. However, they typically can only be used in cells grown in a lab dish or in tissues close ...

Mixing laser beams and X-ray beams

Unlike fictional laser swords, real laser beams do not interact with each other when they cross—unless the beams meet within a suitable material allowing for nonlinear light-matter interaction. In such a case, wave mixing ...

Researchers create flat magic window with liquid crystals

For the first time, researchers have used liquid crystals to create a flat magic window—a transparent device that produces a hidden image when light shines on it. The technology represents a new twist on a very old light ...

Researchers demonstrate label-free super-resolution microscopy

Researchers have developed a new measurement and imaging approach that can resolve nanostructures smaller than the diffraction limit of light without requiring any dyes or labels. The work represents an important advance ...

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