Related topics: protein

What does a healthy ageing cat look like?

Just as improved diet and medical care have resulted in increased life expectancy in humans, advances in nutrition and veterinary care have increased the life span of pet cats. The result is a growing population of ageing ...

Eukaryote process of programmed fork arrest determined

A research collaboration between the Medical University of South Carolina, the Institute of Human Genetics in France, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Rockefeller University has revealed the means by which cells accomplish ...

Image: Hubble nets an interstellar butterfly

( —The "butterfly effect" says the flap of a butterfly's wings may lead to a developing hurricane on the other side of the world. But what happens when a butterfly flaps its wings in the depths of space?

Longevity mutation found in flies far and wide

For years, researchers have been investigating how mutations of a gene called Indy (for "I'm Not Dead Yet") affect metabolism, life span, and reproductive fitness in both mammals and fruit flies. So far mutations in Indy ...

Aging erodes genetic control, but that's flexible

Biologists at Brown University have found a way to measure the effects of aging by watching the ebb and flow of chromatin, a structure along strands of DNA that either silences or permits gene expression. In several newly ...

Edited RNA + invasive DNA add individuality

The story of why we are all so different goes well beyond the endless mixing and matching of DNA through breeding. A new study in the journal Nature Communications, for instance, reports a new molecular mechanism of individual ...

Why do fruit flies live so long?

Queen's University professor Adam Chippindale (Biology) and PhD candidate Christopher Kimber appear to have revealed an anomaly in the evolutionary theory of aging.

The African fish that lives fast and dies young

African annual fish take the adage 'live fast, die young' to a whole new level with the discovery that their short lifespan is accompanied by the most rapid sexual maturation of any vertebrate species. The find, reported ...

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