Related topics: protein

Coevolution not healthy for the female sea monkey

( -- In a new study titled Male-Female Coevolution in the Wild: Evidence from a Time Series in Artemia Franciscana and published in Evolution, evolutionary ecologist Nicolas Rode from the Centre for Functional ...

Dying young did not cause Neanderthals' demise

Dying young was not likely the reason Neanderthals went extinct, said a study out Monday that suggests early modern humans had about the same life expectancy as their hairier, ancient cousins.

For ever and ever: When the wedding flight never ends

German entomologists have now "resurrected" the fossil insect Mengea tertiara. Using high resolution micro-computer tomography the anatomy of an extinct insect was completely reconstructed three-dimensionally for the first ...

Biologists identify a new clue into cellular aging

The ability to combat some age-related diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, may rest with scientists unlocking clues about the molecular and cellular processes governing aging. The underlying theory is that if the healthy ...

Study identifies proteins that modulate life span in worms

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have identified a new group of proteins involved in determining the life span of laboratory roundworms. Blocking the expression of one member of the group can extend ...

People are living longer and healthier -- now what?

People in developed nations are living in good health as much as a decade longer than their parents did, not because aging has been slowed or reversed, but because they are staying healthy to a more advanced age.

Attacking Cancer Cells with Hydrogel Nanoparticles

( -- One of the difficulties of fighting cancer is that drugs often hit other non-cancerous cells, causing patients to get sick. But what if researchers could sneak cancer-fighting particles into just the cancer ...

Make your pets a part of your New Year's resolutions

( -- When drawing up a list of New Year's resolutions, be sure to include your pets, says Lorraine Corriveau, a wellness veterinarian at Purdue University's School of Veterinary Medicine.

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