Scientists solve a mystery of bacterial growth and resistance

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have unraveled a complex chemical pathway that enables bacteria to form clusters called biofilms. Such improved understanding might eventually aid the development of new treatments ...

UK: Gap between rich and poor wider than 40 years ago

( -- The independent National Equality Panel, in its report entitled An Anatomy of Economic Inequality in the UK, which is published today (27 January), argues that policy interventions are needed at each life-cycle ...

Sustainability of new creosote alternative confirmed

A recently published study has confirmed the sustainability credentials of a new biobased alternative to creosote that is being developed in the Bio4Products project. The use of wood modification based on pyrolysis oil was ...

Environmental impacts of land use have been underestimated

Environmental impacts of land use have been widely assessed in recent years. In particular, carbon footprints of food and bioenergy production have been studied. Environmental impact assessments are used in decision-making ...

Hounds and wolves share parasites

Grey wolves are hosts to a variety of parasites. The presence of grey wolves in German forests has little influence on the parasite burden of hunting dogs. This reassuring conclusion is the result of a new study at the Berlin-based ...

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