Evaluating dual hydration of the oceanic lithosphere

A new study led by Dr. Jian Lin (Southern University of Science and Technology) and Dr. Fan Zhang (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) reexamines how the ocean's lithosphere operates.

Insect researcher: Non-destructive methods are needed

New research has shed light on the importance of revolutionizing methods in entomology. A publication titled "The need for a (non-destructive) method revolution in entomology" has highlighted how to improve our understanding ...

Did animal evolution begin with a predatory lifestyle?

Were the first animals predators or filter feeders like the sponges living in today's oceans? And what role did symbiosis with algae play, as with reef-building corals? Surprising findings by a research group led by Prof. ...

High heat, ethylene levels independently halt tomato fruit set

Ethylene is an essential plant hormone at low concentrations. Concentrations in the field rarely exceed 5 nmol⋅mol−1 (0.005 ppm), but it can accumulate as a gas in closed, indoor environments. These elevated levels can ...

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