Modern humans greater threat to Neanderthals: study

Modern humans were likely a greater threat to the Neanderthals than major natural events like extreme cold weather or volcanoes, according to British-led research released on Monday.

US returns smuggled ancient artifacts to Libya

The United States on Thursday returned a cache of smuggled ancient artifacts to Libya as the oil-rich Mediterranean country struggles to protect its heritage against the backdrop of years of war, turmoil and unrest.

Reuters says blogging platform hacked

The Reuters news agency said Friday that one of its websites had been hacked and used to disseminate fake stories about Syria's rebel movement, the latest cyberattack to strike a media organization covering the country's ...

Brazilian court bans anti-Islam film from YouTube

(AP)—A court in Brazil said it has ordered YouTube to remove clips of the movie that has touched off deadly protests across the Muslim world, the latest in a spate of court-ordered content-removal cases against the video-sharing ...

YouTube extends film curb to Saudi Arabia

YouTube said Wednesday it extended its restrictions on a video sparking unrest in the Islamic world to Saudi Arabia, saying it is among countries where the film is considered illegal.

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