Zulu church embraces faux fur to protect leopards

Carrying Zulu warrior shields and draped in leopard skins, the men of South Africa's Shembe Church move hypnotically as they go through the steps of a traditional religious ritual.

Review: Downloading Mac software, made simple

By now, many of you are familiar with the App Store on iTunes - the portal through which Apple Inc. sells mobile applications, or "apps," for its family of iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.

Afghanistan releases its first-ever list of protected species

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that the Afghanistan's National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA), in an effort to safeguard its natural heritage, has released the country's first-ever list of protected ...

Crop-raiding elephants flee tiger growls

Wild Asian elephants slink quietly away at the sound of a growling tiger, but trumpet and growl before retreating from leopard growls, researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found. The work, published Sept. ...

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