Study posits a theory of moral behavior

( -- Why do some people behave morally while others do not? Sociologists at the University of California, Riverside and California State University, Northridge have developed a theory of the moral self that may ...

A good story can trump a bad credit score in peer-to-peer lending

These days a bad credit score will get you turned away by a bank, but if you tell a good story about that score, you can improve your chances of getting a microloan from a peer-to-peer lender, according to new research from ...

Online loans likely to lead to the payday debt spiral

Resorting to the mobile phone for a quick injection of cash is on the rise as more online lenders join the market, a trend likely to lead more Australians into a spiral of debt, says QUT poverty researcher Professor Greg ...

LendingClub, Alibaba ink deal on financing

US startup LendingClub, a leader in so-called peer-to-peer lending, announced a partnership Tuesday with China's Alibaba to be a source of credit for purchases at the online retailer.

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