Scent signals stop incest in lemurs

Chemical identifiers secreted from the genital glands of lemurs, allow them to avoid incest and also to engage in nepotism. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology have identified the smells ...

Museum specimens aid conservation effort in Madagascar

There is a new tool for those developing conservation strategies for threatened species and landscapes: museum specimens. Richard Pearson and Christopher Raxworthy of the American Museum of Natural History dusted off a number ...

Madagascar: New mouse lemur species discovered

Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot. In the last 20 years new lemur species have been discovered while forested habitats have been quickly disappearing. Recent reports by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation ...

Video: Why study mouse lemurs?

Like humans, mouse lemurs sometimes develop amyloid brain plaques and other Alzheimer's-like symptoms as they age. Because mouse lemurs are primates, they are a closer genetic match to humans than mice or rats are.

Researchers discover three new primate species

Three new species of mouse lemurs—the smallest primates in the world—have been discovered by scientists at the University of Kentucky, along with collaborators at the German Primate Center and Duke Lemur Center.

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