Review: A solar home isn't for everyone

As someone who considers himself an environmentalist, I'd love to get a solar array for my home. But I'm finding that it may not make a lot of sense - at least right now. My wife and I drive fairly fuel-efficient cars. Our ...

Philips profits down in Q1 while LED sales jump

Dutch electronics giant Philips announced Thursday first quarter profits that were down 12 percent from the same period a year earlier, and confirmed that it expected only "modest" growth in the first half of 2013.

LED replacements hit stores empty of 100W bulbs

(AP)—The first LED bulbs that are about the same size and brightness as regular 100-watt bulbs are reaching stores. They provide an alternative to compact fluorescents after the federal government banned the production ...

Scientists track your carbon footprint, step by step

If you're driving your SUV to the farmers market to buy local asparagus and thinking you're making a difference for the planet, - not so fast. You're focused on a detail and ignoring the gas-hogging elephant in the room.

All set and ready to glow

A new technique that paves the way for manufacturing affordable LED light bulbs is to be exploited in the UK, in a deal that researchers say could have a dramatic impact on carbon emissions.

US lightbulb rules spark new political fight

With a January deadline looming on a US law mandating energy efficiency standards for lightbulbs, some political forces don't want to turn out the lights.

The 22.8-year switch: GE's Energy Smart LED

As the common household incandescent bulb marches towards extinction (they'll be completely phased out in the U.S. by 2014), the "battle of the bulb" heats up with CFLs, LEDs, and a new long-lasting contender, the ESL bulb, ...

LEDs bringing good things to light

Forecasting the future of technology is anything but an exact science. In late 2006, for instance, my colleagues and I put together an article outlining our predictions for the top 10 tech trends for 2007. My record was, ...

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