Researchers find persistent gender gap among scientific editors

To determine the representation of women among scientific journal editors—key players in the scientific community who have the final say about what papers get published—a team led by NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) researchers ...

Computer smart as a 4-year-old

Artificial and natural knowledge researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have IQ-tested one of the best available artificial intelligence systems to see how intelligent it really is.

Sex segregation in schools detrimental to equality

Students who attend sex-segregated schools are not necessarily better educated than students who attend coeducational schools, but they are more likely to accept gender stereotypes, according to a team of psychologists.

AI can teach math teachers how to improve student skills

When middle school math teachers completed an online professional development program that uses artificial intelligence to improve their math knowledge and teaching skills, their students' math performance improved.

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