How new leaders build or lose trust over time

The goal of any new leader is to quickly establish a high level of trust and credibility with the team. After all, numerous studies have shown that trust in leadership is linked to higher individual and team performance. ...

New algorithmic approach predicts strong leaders

Research on leadership has long recognized the importance of understanding how leaders are perceived, and past studies have used a variety of techniques to examine different aspects of leadership. In a new study, researchers ...

Why some employees resist delegation from their managers

Think about the last time your boss delegated a task to you. Did you perceive that request as a sign of strong leadership—or as your manager shirking responsibility? In the end, did you successfully complete the task, or ...

Leader effectiveness may depend on emotional expression

Women leaders must often battle sexist stereotypes that label them "too emotional" for effective leadership. A surprising new study shows that when they express calm, happy emotions, however, women are perceived as more effective ...

Understanding bias in leadership assessments of women

A new study conducted before COVID-19 busted open the leaky pipeline for women in leadership underscores the bias that men are naturally presumed to have leadership potential and women are not and highlights the increased ...

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