Against the current with lava flows

Primeval lava flows formed the massive canyons and gorge systems on Mars. Water, by contrast, was far too scarce on the red planet to have cut these gigantic valleys into the landscape. This is the conclusion of several years ...

At the foot of the Red Planet's giant volcano

( —Hundreds of individual lava flows are seen frozen in time on the flanks of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System.

Mapping lava tubes in the Galapagos

( —Yearly expeditions to explore the lava tubes on the famed archipelago will culminate in an international symposium to be held there next year.

Down the Lunar Rabbit-hole

A whole new world came to life for Alice when she followed the White Rabbit down the hole. There was a grinning cat, a Hookah-smoking caterpillar, a Mad Hatter, and much more. It makes you wonder... what's waiting down the ...

Seventh Graders Find a Cave on Mars

( -- California middle school students using the camera on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter have found lava tubes with one pit that appears to be a skylight to a cave.

Scientists discover new species of crustacean on Lanzarote

They gracefully swim through the complete darkness of submarine caves, constantly on the lookout for prey. Instead of eyes, predatory crustaceans of the class Remipedia rely on long antennae which search the lightless void ...

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