Giant volcano discovered on Mars

In a groundbreaking announcement at the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference held in The Woodlands, Texas, scientists revealed the discovery of a giant volcano and possible sheet of buried glacier ice in the eastern ...

Scientists say eruption of Hawaii volcano continues to ease

The eruption of the Mauna Loa volcano on Hawaii's Big Island continues to ease, scientists said Sunday, reinforcing an earlier pronouncement that the mountain's first flare-up in nearly 40 years might soon end.

Lava from Spanish volcano surges after crater collapse

Authorities on the Spanish island of La Palma said Monday they are tightening their surveillance of an erupting volcano, after part of the crater collapsed and unleashed a cascade of more liquid and faster-moving lava.

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupts

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano, one of the world's most active, has erupted but its lava so far is limited to its central crater and not threatening inhabited areas, authorities said Thursday.

'Limnic eruption': DR Congo's volcano nightmare

Orders on Thursday to evacuate Goma, a city lying in the shadow of DR Congo's Mount Nyiragongo volcano, have shed light on a rare but potentially catastrophic risk—a "limnic eruption," when volcanic activity combined with ...

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