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Plastic pollution talks move closer to world-first pact

A fourth and penultimate round of UN-led negotiations to solve global plastic pollution wrapped up in Ottawa early on Tuesday with a world-first pact said to be within reach by year's end but without a cap on the production ...

The uneven results of anticorruption efforts across countries

When fighting corruption, countries often rely too much on repression and forget about prevention measures, which are frequently inadequate or nonexistent. Furthermore, despite the progress made in implementation of the main ...

A project to build a new synchrotron in the Greater Caribbean

Researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), and the Centro Internacional de Física de Bogotá are working on a project to build a new synchrotron in the ...

Democratic backslide a threat to free elections globally: Report

More than half of the 60 countries holding national elections this year are experiencing a democratic decline, risking the integrity of the electoral process, as reported in the latest Democracy Report from the V-Dem Institute ...

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