Most complete study on Europe's greatest hadrosaur site published

The Basturs Poble site is what is known in English as a bone bed, a geological stratum containing a great number of fossils. The stratum dates back some 70 million years. It is the only one to have been found in Europe exclusively ...

Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton comes to life

The unearthed bones of Mukawaryu, Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton, have now been prepared and pieced together, giving us a fuller and clearer image of the 72 million-year-old dinosaur.

Big herbivorous dinosaurs ate crustaceans as a side dish

Some big plant-eating dinosaurs roaming present-day Utah some 75 million years ago were slurping up crustaceans on the side, a behavior that may have been tied to reproductive activities, says a new University of Colorado ...

Non-avian dinosaur found to have laid blue eggs

(—A team of researchers from Germany and the U.S. has found that a non-avian dinosaur living in what is now China laid colored eggs. In their paper published on the peer-reviewed site PeerJ, the team describes ...

Unraveling the mysteries of Nipponosaurus

Nipponosaurus sachalinensis—a controversial hadrosaurid dinosaur whose fossilized skeleton was unearthed in southern Sakhalin in 1934—is found to be a valid taxon and a juvenile that had not reached sexual maturity.

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