Related topics: species · bees · wasps

Plastic for bees? Research shows it works

Technological advances are reaping good results for our world, and groups that are benefitting most from innovation are people and ... bees. Researchers in Germany have developed a better way of rearing bee larvae in the ...

For ant pupae, status means being heard

caught between larva and adulthood—status is all about being heard. The findings, reported online on February 7 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, add to evidence that ants can communicate abstract information ...

The troubled waters surrounding the Spratly Islands

New research reveals the unseen environmental damage being done to coral reefs in the hotly contested South China Sea, as China and other nations jostle for control of the disputed sea lanes.

Fly larvae clean bee-eater's nest

Bird nests are home not only to the bird parents and their offspring but also to other inhabitants, such as insect larvae, which take advantage of the favourable climatic conditions and abundant supply of food in the nests. ...

Wasp found in upstate New York shows up in Southern California

In August 2010, an entomologist at the University of California, Riverside discovered a tiny fairyfly wasp in upstate New York that had never been seen in the United States until then. Nearly exactly a year later, he discovered ...

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