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Microsoft reports first loss as public company

Microsoft posted its first quarterly loss in its 26 years as a public company on Thursday as it declared a struggling online ad business a bust and prepared for one of the biggest product updates in its history.

San Francisco sours on Apple computers

San Francisco city officials on Thursday said that they have soured on Apple computers due to the Macintosh maker's decision to bail out of a program to promote making electronics earth friendly.

Taiwan Computex to showcase laptop-tablet hybrids

(AP) — Taiwan's struggling computer makers will use next week's Computex show to promote a new generation of ultra-thin laptops that might be their last hope of turning back the seemingly unstoppable momentum of Apple's ...

How to protect personal data on devices you plan to sell

Thinking of selling or giving away your smartphone or laptop computer? If you have a BlackBerry or an iPhone, go right ahead. But if you have an Android phone or a computer running Windows XP, you may want to hold off.

Tablet computers added to British inflation 'basket'

Tablet computers like Apple's iPad and Samsung's Galaxy Tab have been added into the basket of goods used to measure official British inflation, the Office for National Statistics said Tuesday.

'SimCity' game rebuilt for age of climate change

Climate change is coming to SimCity. A new version of the city-building computer game that factors in real-world consequences of energy choices has won endorsements from Twitter co-founder Biz Stone and the director of the ...

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