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Intel introduces fourth generation processors

Intel Corp. unveiled its fourth generation processors in Taipei on Tuesday in a bid to give personal computers a new lease of life amid stiff competition from smartphones and tablets.

Gadget Watch: Pen makes old monitors touch-ready

Many people who have tried Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system without a touch screen have hated it because of the inability to use touch and swipe commands to get things going. Now, a company has made a digital pen ...

'SimCity' game rebuilt for age of climate change

Climate change is coming to SimCity. A new version of the city-building computer game that factors in real-world consequences of energy choices has won endorsements from Twitter co-founder Biz Stone and the director of the ...

Tablet computer sales to hit 208 million in 2014

Sales of tablet computers like Apple's iPad are expected to soar from nearly 20 million units this year to 55 million next year and over 208 million in 2014, market research firm Gartner said Friday.

Microsoft releases IE 10 browser for Windows 7

The latest version of Microsoft's Web browser is now available to the vast audience connecting to the Internet on personal computers running on the Windows 7 operating system.

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