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Future computing in the ether

( -- As computer networks become more complex and pervasive, and their development is in a state of constant flux, leaving their design and management to human intervention is becoming increasingly unfeasible. ...

How to protect personal data on devices you plan to sell

Thinking of selling or giving away your smartphone or laptop computer? If you have a BlackBerry or an iPhone, go right ahead. But if you have an Android phone or a computer running Windows XP, you may want to hold off.

Likely culprits to check when wireless connection crawls

Q: I have a problem with our Dell laptop computer's wireless connection using Internet Explorer. At various times, the speed drops down to sloth and then stops altogether. At the same time, other computers, a desktop connected ...

Laptop revolution: New class design saves schools money, space

Universities around the country are struggling with shrinking budgets, even as they need to cater to the needs of an increasing number of students. New research from North Carolina State University shows that one way to cut ...

Tablet sales slow as PCs find footing

Tablets won't eclipse personal computers as fast as once thought, according to studies by market tracker International Data Corporation (IDC).

Hewlett-Packard begins Palm unit layoffs

Hewlett-Packard said Tuesday that it has begun laying off workers as part of its move to give up on the webOS mobile operating system it got when it bought Palm.

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