Thai customs make new three-tonne ivory seizure

More than three tonnes of elephant ivory have been found at a Thai port stashed in a container shipped from Kenya, customs said Monday, the second huge haul of tusks from Africa in less than a week.

Five tiger cubs seized in Thai police wildlife haul

Thai police said Thursday they have seized five wild tiger cubs along with hundreds of other animals being smuggled to neighbouring Laos, for apparent onward sale in Vietnam or China as delicacies.

Apple launches iTunes Store in 12 new Asia markets

Apple launched its iTunes Store in 12 Asian markets on Wednesday, giving consumers access to millions of songs and movies, but regional giants China, India and Indonesia were not on the list.

Mekong effort fails after years of lavish foreign funding

When Western governments began pouring money into the Mekong River Commission, they hoped it would help four Southeast Asian countries cooperate in responsibly managing one of the world's great rivers.

Captive elephants in Laos face extinction

( —The captive elephant population in Laos will be extinct in just over a century if current management practices do not change, a University of Queensland study has found.

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