Improved functioning of diverse landscape mosaics

It is well-established that biodiverse ecosystems generally function better than monocultures. Ecologists at the University of Zurich have now shown that the same is true on a larger scale: Having a mix of different land-covers ...

Researchers see need for action on forest fire risk

How do humans affect forest fires? And what can we learn from forest fires in the past for the future of forestry? An international team of researchers led by Elisabeth Dietze, formerly at the German Research Centre for Geosciences ...

Returning lost eagle species to Wales

Research taking place in Wales could see the return of lost eagle species to our countryside, bringing both conservation and economic benefits.

Life on the wind: Study reveals how microbes travel the Earth

Scientists from the UK and Switzerland have investigated the remarkable distance that microorganisms may be able to blow between continents, raising questions about their potential to colonise new lands and also potentially ...

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