Exploring the lunar south pole: Lessons from Chandrayaan-3

On August 23 the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully landed a spacecraft on the moon's south pole, a location that has always been of particular interest to scientists due to the unique conditions created ...

New explanation for key step in anthrax infection proposed

A new hypothesis concerning a crucial step in the anthrax infection process has been advanced by scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious ...

China launches new mission to space station

China sent a fresh crew to its Tiangong space station on Thursday, in the latest mission for a growing space program that plans to send people to the Moon by 2030.

NASA's Perseverance rover attached to Atlas V rocket

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has been attached to the top of the rocket that will send it toward the Red Planet this summer. Encased in the nose cone that will protect it during launch, the rover and the rest of the Mars ...

Launch is approaching for NASA's next Mars rover, Perseverance

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover is just over a month from its July 20 targeted launch date. The rover's astrobiology mission will seek signs of past microscopic life on Mars, explore the geology of the Jezero Crater landing ...

Flying taxis within five years? Not likely

When the American aerospace company Bell Nexus unveiled an air taxi at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this month it breathed new life into conversations about a future where ride sharing happens in the air ...

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