The government is miscounting greenhouse emissions reductions

The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF), established in 2014 with funding of A$2.55 billion, is mostly spent. With just A$200 million left to be allocated, the Climate Change Authority this week released a report on the fund's ...

The benefits of waste-to-energy technologies

Instead of hauling food waste to landfills, we might want to use that organic waste to power garbage trucks, your car, truck or SUV while at the same time potentially helping the environment.

How unwanted CDs and DVDs could help cut carbon emissions

Now that most consumers download and stream their movies and music, more and more CDs and DVDs will end up in landfills or be recycled. But soon these discarded discs could take on a different role: curbing the release of ...

How to make a profit from rotting garbage

Landfills can make a profit from all their rotting waste and a new patent explains exactly how to make the most out of the stinky garbage sites.

Philippines turns trash into clean energy windfall

Teresita Mabignay does her ironing using free electricity on the slope of a garbage dump, an unlikely beneficiary of efforts to turn the Philippines' growing rubbish problems into a clean-energy windfall.

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