NASA satellites see Cyclone 03A make landfall in Somalia

Tropical Cyclone 03A made landfall in Somalia and moved inland where it is dissipating over eastern Ethiopia today, Nov. 12. NASA's Aqua, Terra and TRMM satellites passed over the cyclone an captured images of 03A before ...

China issues highest alert for Typhoon Fitow

China was on its highest alert for Typhoon Fitow Sunday, with tens of thousands evacuated as the storm was set to slam into the east coast as early as Sunday night.

NASA sees Typhoon Pabuk's veiled eye

NASA's Aqua satellite orbit around the Earth took it right over Typhoon Pabuk and the image showed an eye veiled with some high clouds.

Study explores complex physical oceanography in East China Sea

Just days before a team of researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and National Taiwan University set out to conduct fieldwork in the East China Sea, Typhoon Morakot—one of the most destructive storms ...

NASA satellites watch the demise of Hurricane Barbara

NOAA's GOES-14 satellite captured Hurricane Barbara's landfall in southwestern Mexico and movement across land, northward toward the Gulf of Mexico. This 43 second animation of NOAA's GOES-14 satellite observations from May ...

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