Australia 'can help solve world soils crisis'

Around the world a silent crisis in building in the soil that feeds us, putting global food security at risk as demand for nutrition soars in the coming half century.

Is desertification on the increase?

Fighting desertification will require a better understanding of its drivers of this process, with a little help from a new tool to study how dry regions evolve

Overgrazing turning parts of Mongolian Steppe into desert

Overgrazing by millions of sheep and goats is the primary cause of degraded land in the Mongolian Steppe, one of the largest remaining grassland ecosystems in the world, Oregon State University researchers say in a new report.

Land degradation causes up to 5% loss in farm output

Loss of land through desertification and drought costs up to five percent of world agricultural gross domestic product (AGDP), or some $450 billion (340 billion euros), every year, said a study presented at a UN conference ...

Half of Indonesians at risk of landslides

More than half of Indonesia's population live in areas at risk of landslides, an official said Thursday, with traditional farming methods blamed for the widespread vulnerability.

New insights into invasive plant management

Over a decade of research at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has resulted in the development of a new matrix for invasive plant management. The model was created by scientists with the Agricultural Research Service ...

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