Scientists to publish first-ever land health report

Scientists will publish the first-ever analysis Monday of the global state of land and its ability to sustain a fast-growing human population that relies on it for 95 percent of all food.

Combating climate change from the trenches

Land degradation is a serious cause for concern in sub-Saharan Africa where it affects more than two-thirds of its territory. The heavy reliance on an agriculture that is highly vulnerable to climate change, and the ever-increasing ...

Image: Catalan coast, Spain, from orbit

This radar image captures part of Catalonia in northeastern Spain including the city of Barcelona (right), the site of one of Europe's principal seaports.

Space technology identifies vulnerable regions in West Africa

A group of international researchers led by the Centre for Landscape and Climate Research at the University of Leicester have used space satellite technology to identify regions of West Africa which are vulnerable to the ...

World losing 2,000 hectares of farm soil daily to salt damage

Every day for more than 20 years, an average of 2,000 hectares of irrigated land in arid and semi-arid areas across 75 countries have been degraded by salt, according to a study by UN University's Canadian-based Institute ...

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